Quiz: Can You Translate These Common Phrases In Different Languages?

When you find yourself in a different country, knowing just a handful of local phrases can make all the difference. And even in the English language, it's easy to forget how many foreign words and phrases slip into our lexicon. It’s pretty hard to keep track of all of them, though. Can you make it to the end of this globetrotting language quiz without getting tongue-tied?

How do French people say "Yes?"

"Arrivederci" is a word of farewell in which language?

How do German people say "Thank you?"

"¡Buenos días!" is Spanish for which greeting?

"Jag älskar dig" means "I love you" in which language?

If a Spanish speaker asked you, "¿Cómo te llamas?" what would they want to know?

"Nǐhǎo" (pronounced nee how) is Mandarin Chinese for what common word?

"Aloha" has made its way into modern English, but which language does the word come from?

"Kaliméra" is the most common way of saying "Good morning" in this country.

Which of the following words does not translate to "Welcome?"

"Nyet" means "No" in this tongue.

At what time of day would it be appropriate to say, "Buenas noches?"

A French chef would be most likely to use this phrase when serving customers.

You've probably said "Gesundheit" to someone who sneezed. But do you know what language it's from?

In Italian, "Mi scusi" is the equivalent of what phrase?

"Sláinte!" is a popular toast in this language.

"As-salamu alaykum" is a common greeting in this widely spoken tongue.

What word might you use to greet someone in Japan?

“S'il vous plait” is the way to say "Please" in which language?

This is the Spanish way of asking "Where are you from?"

"Toda raba" means "Thank you very much" in this language.

In Spanish, "¿Qué pasa?" is roughly equivalent to what question?

"Namaste" literally translates to "I bow to you" in this language.

Which German phrase means "I love you?"

Which Latin phrase translates to "Seize the day?"

What would you say to greet somebody in Portuguese?

In France, you would be most likely to tell a friend, "Bonne chance," before which event?

Which of the following is NOT a word you would use to refer to a man?

"Konbanwa" is how you say "Good evening" in this language.

This is the most common way of saying hello to someone in Russia.

"Godt," "Gut," and "Goeie" all mean what in English?

Complete the numerical sequence in Spanish: uno, dos, tres, _____.

Which of the following languages uses "Auf Wiedersehen" as a term of farewell?

Which of the following is not a foreign word for "Please?"

"Xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ?" translates to "Where is the bathroom?" in this Asian language.

In Spanish, "Mucho _____" means "Nice to meet you."

"Shukran" is a common way to thank people in this language.

In French, you would be most likely to say "Je ne comprends pas" when you are what?

Which of the following countries does NOT use "Hallo" as a greeting?

What is the informal Korean term for "Hello?" Hint: the answer will sound familiar to fans of the tv comedy Arrested Development.